Sharp Idea 41 Anything Goes

I would like to admit that I am a hard-core fan of the Gilmore Girls tv series. While rewatching the series I have gotten to a point where the daughter, Racceptedori, is filling out an application to Harvard, her dream school. Since these episodes were filmed back before the CommonApp and other electronic applications, her application was mailed to her and expected to be filled out and mailed back in the packet. Of course since I look at everything in the form of a sharpie post, this one episode inspired the idea of looking at Harvard, or some other Ivy League, school’s admissions board. While they are reviewing the many applications completed in pencil, some in pen, the pay even more notice to the application filled out in sharpie permanent marker. In a effort to support sharpie there would be a panel of admissions board members standing around and looking at the application filled out in sharpie. Not only did the student stand out, they didn’t mail their application in with the mix of all the rest but also had the confidence to fill out their application in thick bold ink to stand out above all the rest. In the end all the admissions board members are all nodding their heads and a giant red stamp of approval is left on the application. The left image mostly came from with a little bit of photoshop.

Sharp Idea 40 Anything Goes

In an effort to use a new medium I decided to draw. By draw I mean doodle but depicting a visual image of how I feel many times. IMG_3914

Moments in time come like these. Sometimes I will be sitting in class and staring at the clock. Or maybe I am working and the last hour of a 6hr long shift is dragging on that I wish I could just fast forward to end it. Then once moments like the first two doodles are over, I look back and realize I have partially wasted that time and am now further behind in my endless list of things to do and demands to be met and such does describe the bottom clock. I am currently in a position that I feel time has swept me away and no matter what I do I can’t seem to keep up. Shifts for two jobs, last tests, projects, and finals are all hitting me like a wave. I read from “The people of New York” Facebook that one woman said when a wave comes dive underneath it, because if you try to run you will be swept away, and if you try to face it standing your ground…you will still be taken over by its force. Therefore, the best thing to do is dive under. Currently I am tackling every to-do list from school and trying to make everything semi work out. However, maybe I am not tackling this right because I think instead of compromising my time with everyone I am just making them all mad. This is the metaphorical part of the wave that is currently crushing the life out of me. Maybe I should just quit these jobs so I can focus on school? I’ve never been much of a quitter tho. So maybe if I stay confident in my intentions to keep everyone happy I can do so and still study hard if I just work on my communication skills and tactics. Back out of nothing I say, because that just makes everyone even angrier. Try and keep school first. This is the home stretch of the semester and it is always the hardest. Take my time, not panic or rush into decisions, and don’t let the clock crush me. I am strong, I am confident, I can do this, I want to succeed, I will dive beneath the wave.

So what does this have to do with sharpie? This is a real world problem and one that, through posting is actually kinda therapeutic,  but beyond that these sharpie posts are ones that I believe help me get through the craziness of everyday. Everything I know involving my job, a big part of my life, might change but at least I know there is one thing that remain constant; I have to do these 54 posts.  From my own discussion I now know that while I should be patient I must also be confident when making decisions. Signs of wavering only cause others to become less confident in me therefore making them even more angry. So maybe I will doodle with a sharpie more often. It will help me practice my confidence because you can’t erase any doodle you dislike. Much like in life once you make a percent mark you can either run with it or create it into something entirely new. Either way, that mark will always be there. Sharpie’s mark is permanent, practice creating confidence.

Sharp Idea 39 Anything Goes

There are several creative things sharpie helps brings to life. So my idea was to have possibly an actor, or comedian, on stage pretending to be some mustached country guy when all of a sudden his fake mustache falls off. In this event the man confidently raises his finger under his nose and on it, written in sharpie, is a mustache and he goes on acting. He has saved the act, the show goes on, and the crowd enjoys the entertainment as well as the humor. Moral is, always have a sharpie and you and you will never again suffer an embarrassing moment. To carry a sharpie is to carry a confidence boost back up at all times.


Sharp Idea 38 Anything Goes

Unfortunately, most of my nights are riddled with nightmares, scary, or uncomfortable dreams. I don’t know why my dreams are always this way but because of this I rarely watch scary movies. However, I would like use this feature of myself as my inspiration for a sharpie idea.  In an illusspeaker copytration that displays one person standing at a podium in front of a large crowd. Like in many nightmares, the individual looks down and is not wearing pants, or forgot their shirt, or have on no shoes. Next the crowds starts laughing and pointing until the the speaker pulls out a sharpie and everyone quiets down. The speaker gives his speech with confidence and is followed by cheers from the crowd as he struts off the stage, proud, and pant-less. The left image was made from a silhouette from and then I hand drew in this man’s worst nightmare. Yet he stands confidently and overcomes this fear. He wears his situation proudly and in the end a nightmare becomes a stunt of courage.