Sharp Idea 43 Be Absurd

What if sharpie were in the hands of a monk. Strange idea. All I know about monks are probably stereotypical. I picture them just like the people on that mountain in China in the second Karate Kid with Jackie Chan and Jaden Smith.  Either way if sharpie were with monks there it would sit with all the other monks on top of some risky looking cliff contemplating the answers to all the worlds problems and becoming one with nature. Very peaceful and tranquil scene. However, this story is just getting started. One evening a lost traveler ran into the monk with sharpie he asks

“Please, I need your help. I was traveling in the mountains and lost my way. It will be dark soon and I need to find the city. Do you know which path is the right way?”

The monk looks at his a sharpie reply’s

“Any way is the correct way if you run down that way with confidence. Observe”

And the bewildered man watches as the monk uncaps his marker and throws the sharpie leaving a solid bold mark on the stone path.

“Now, this is my way.” says the monk.

The lost traveler watches closely as the monk travels on the path the sharpie just drew and continued walking. He looked over the monk’s shoulder and saw lights of the a city becoming brighter as the dusk reaches it peak hour.

The next day the sharpie monk is honored with the a medal from the elders signifying he is the embodiment of confidence and that shall be his signature trait. His insight. The topic he shall meditate on for the next 50 years. With the medal bestowed upon him, he sits on his risky cliff and meditates with the sharpie in his hands.

For this illustration I took the original image off the internet at the website:

Then added some contrasting colors, touched the tone up, and had him hold a sharpie. However, I did not add the slight glow feature around his head and shoulders. The curious tint of lighting came from the original image itself and could only really be seen once I added in the contrast and dimmed down the brightness. Maybe he really is enlightened in this state. monk copy

Sharp Idea 42 Be Absurd

There are some videos that are all over the internet and everyone knows of them but when people watch they just ask themselves “why”? The silly cat videos, talking animals, or videos that just add a silly tune and becomes a sudden viral video. They are absurdly random but you know the original creator of the video had the confidence to upload it. He or she didn’t care at all about all the negative feedback from the work that obviously took some time and even creativity. So for those people, there could be an ad campaign that is super random about sharpie but they don’t care because its sharpie and sharpie is confident. These images were taken off the internet however the words and addition edits were made by me in photoshop. These are my illustrations but could also be expanded upon on a commercial or video. swimM